The 9/11 Truth Movement, Free Energy Suppression and the Global Elite’s Agenda

Here is a small portion of a very interesting commentary:

One thing the Global Elite do not want revealed is the existence of free-energy technology.

This technology has the capability of revolutionizing the world by removing oil/gas as main sources of fuel, but instead has been weaponized and used against us. Directed energy weapons and weather control are among the dangers we now face.

**Might this technology have been used on 9/11? What if the "truth movement" was steered by those affiliated with free energy technologies, including those who discredited it decades past? What if pictorial evidence shows resemblance to the Hutchison Effect? Would this be worth exposing?

**Might this technology be responsible for recent weather-related disasters? Have hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, and volcanic eruptions shown an increase lately? What if pictorial and other data show resemblance to the Hutchison Effect? Would this be worth exposing?

The above is from The 9/11 Truth Movement, Free Energy Suppression and the Global Elite’s Agenda
May 2008
By CB_Brooklyn

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Cold Fusion
Part 1

Part 2

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